Current Mood: lazy-ness
Current Music: waka waka ! it was reminds me to world cup !
Current Hair: serabut as usual. LOL!
Current Clothes: t-shirt with seluar !
Current Annoyance: my little little bro
Current Smell: natural kot :D
Current Thing I should be doing rgt now: sidai kaen ! hehe
Current CD in Stereo: sound soldier by skye sweetnam
Do You have a reocurring dream?: maybe
Do You remember your first love?: rgt now? No! I’m remembering the latest one. LOL!
Do You like the taste of alcohol?: I have never taste it before & never going to taste it either
Do You have a best friend?: yeah, of course! duh!
Do You believe in Love at First Site?: yes. Eh, no kot. Ntah :P
Are you shy to make the first move?: depends
Last thing bought: seventeen new issue
Last thing you ate: nasik .
Last movie watched: inception !
Beer or Cider?: both no
Drinks or Shots?: u think?
Cat or Dog?: both no ! takot kucen LOL
Single or Taken?: single and lovin' it
Pen or Pencil?: both
Gloves or Mittens?: both jugak
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
Who do you want to kill: nyamukk!
Who do you want to get wasted with:huh?
Who do you want to look like: da puas ati ngan diri sendiri !
Who do you want to avoid: enemies
Last Person you saw: family and friends !
Last Person you spoke with on the phone: mama !
Last person you Hugged: mummy!
Last Person you IMed: noone
Last Person you Kissed: can't recall !
What is your bedroom like: come & see by urself
What is your favorite meal: fillet o fish mcd !
What is your favorite restaurant: restaurant? Tgi Friday!
What is on your bedside table: cleo , lamp & hp
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night: when? Td? Ice-cream.
What is your bed like: messy & btw I’m on it :D
Spontaneous or Planned: depends on the situation
What do you carry with you at all times: hp. Maybe!
How do you drive: I’m 16 & I dunno how to drive a car!
Have you ever been in a play: no. maybe someday
Are you annoyed by homeless people: I guess