Tuesday, November 30, 2010

goodbye guys !

i'm getting confiused what they're doing when the first i know this story ,
death ? it's not a playful things ,
but i'm getting understand once i saw this video on ryan seacrest website
they are doing this to raise at least $1 million dollars through social media .
the celebrities will be making the ultimate sacrifice by signing off their twitter and fb and abandoning their collective 30 millions until the goal is reached to buy their digital lives back ,
okayy , it's kinda complicated to understand . but this is the way they help the unfortunate people dat got a HIV/AIDS
so if you want they back to normal life you have to buy thier digital lives back by voting . haha it's sound silly isn't it .
huhu :D
so they were officially die todayy , REST IN PEACE people :))

in fact the most i'm gonna miss is , RYAN SEACREST :'(

*wait , are they bring their BB along ?

mnggedik sat !

i have nothing to do td , so bru jer abes melawat belog belog org
sja la boring2 , then tgk belog mereka cerita soo interesting , belog sgt menarik and chantek
tgk balik belog aku , cm na muntah ijau pun ader .
burok na mmpos , dgn story ttg bola memanjang . boring nak matiii
nothing interesting bout my belog .
tpy tulaa , mereka style rajin sma na decorate belog .
na hrap aku decorate belog ? raja aji dua tiga kali lagi pun belom tntu
huhu .
so hadap jela belog busuk and sengal aku ney yerr
insyaallah , kalow rajin aku decorate bg lawa k .
kalow rajin . hehe
and insyaallah . aku cuba kurangkan posting about football lagi yerr ,
ngeh3 :)

mamaaaaaaaaaa !

ney paling aku tasuka bila time cuti2 akhir tahun neyy ,
bukan apa time2 ney la mak and ayah aku planning na antar anak dya yg cute ney pegi kursus and motivasi mna2 yg dya tgk dkt newspaper
ta tension ka aku ?
dh la tasuka bnda2 alah tuu , adoii =.=
bwu2 ney my mom suroh pegi bengkel mathematics dkt KJ ,
aku tawu la math aku mmg tahap terok gyla babi , tpy aku mmg tanak pi .
ouh no !
yes they do this for my own good , tpy at least biar la ader mmber utk teman aku sma
bole la gagah jgk aku nk pi un
errrr , tension kot
nangeh2 tanak pi . HAHA
grrr , seminggu tuu . sehari bole gagah lagi .

Monday, November 29, 2010


ahhh , nyesal gyla vavih ta tgk match real madrid dgn barcelona !
aahhhhhhh . i really hope ader ulangan :)
guess my barca menang berapa ?!
haha . 5-0 youuuuu .
sygg barca gyla laaaaa :)
congrats guys . u guys did veryvery well :D
thanks villa , for the two goal u give to us , it's too valueable !

winner face !

gumbira !

do not ask me why rambot dya cmtu . STYLE oke , STYLE !

i'm the happiest girl in the world when i know this guy is muslim .
yeah , mungkin mereka hnya muslim atas title sja but not practic it as the real muslim but i'm still happy . huhu
btw adek aku mmg jeles dgn aku , ikuti dialog dibwah ;

aku : danial danial ! come here see wut i figure out , chamakh islam laa . yay ! suka suka :))
my bro : eleh , tawu lma dahh . * act dya un bru taw
aku : cehh , konon nyerr tawu .
my bro : alaa . kalow dya islam un mcm la dya na kawen dgn kakcik !
aku : eh mna taw ?! dya suka i okayyy . grrr
my bro : eh eh , mna dya fabregas kebanggaan dya tu ?
aku : ader laa , ttp dihati . jeles !
my bro : buang karen jelaaa .

end of our dialog ! HAHA :) adek aku ney mmg la , support la cket !

Saturday, November 27, 2010

gunners did well !

semangat bola sepak gyla aku , siap set alarm lagi . arsenal vs aston villa .
konon tanak missed dh .
tup tup , malam tu my bro ajak karock .
beria-ia gylaa mamat tu na test market . mmg tade jodoh betol aku dgn arsenal neyy
ta dpt jgk tgk .
tpy enjoy la kitaorg karock berbelas belas lagu , sumpaa penat
saket tekak sumaa .
then otw na balik aku bru teringat match arsenal .
gyla ta sbar na tawu result , text la nyny , tyrah and piah . tnya result
tpy suma ta beli sport . adoii =.=
then , balik2 , on fb got a msg from amir , dya ckp dyorunk mnang besar 4-2 !
haha . serius terkujat badak air aku ,
gylaa lahh . ney yg bwat aku sygg arsenal ney , tpy syg there's no fab there . sgt sedih :(
btw it is goal by , chamakh , wilshere , nasri , and arshavin !
congrats gunners . bwat smentara waktu mreka berada di ranking pertama . ! HAHA :)

let's view pic ;

he did it

go chamakh go !

sepintas lalu aku tgk mamat ney mcm CR un ada

Thursday, November 25, 2010

him again !

akibat terlalu bzy dgn koreans drama , i dh ketinggalan berita ttg fabregas .
bru td dpt tawu from amir , yg dya injured msa lwan dgn braga . and they lose again , 2-0 !
shit ouhh , mmg gyla la arsenal , cukup2 la dh jatuh ranking , skunk pulak captain injured , adoii !
berdouble double problem .
come on cesc , wake up and get well soon . u should be there cause they really need you now !
i'm kinda waiting for their next match with aston villa . even there's no captain for a couple of week . but i know they still can survive it :)
hope your hamstring recover soon my dear !

ouh i miss you captain , really do


people , guess what i bought ?!

HAHA :))

it is ;

- new edition of star soccer magazine
- new hp strap for sure it is arsenal jerseyy
- new arsenal bracelet ( my brother bought it and i really love that things )

i love all the things so i get it :)

wonderful lifeeee :)

kindly said dat i have finished this super drama .
take in a few days to finish this lovely storyy .
gyla best kot .
wajib tonton . so get your own now :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

i miss my daily story :)

i guess it is more than a week since the agreement made that i will not story about football ryte ?
haha , rendu ouh na share about arsenal punya match
gyla lah , i did it babes . ingt senang ka ? i punya cri seseorg utk share about football kot .
at last i found beberapa mmber utk share , lega cket :))
guys ! i missed the match arsenal vs tottenham .
ini suma gara2 kekusyukan aku tgk shout award la tu
gyla punya tunggu match dorunk last2 missed it . ta gyla kaa ?
naseb baek tetiba rsa gtai tgn plak na check channel laen . bukak2 je
nahh , msa2 kecederaan dh . mmg geram gyla kot
and arsenal lose ! arghh , gyla kuasa 2 la aku .
they lose 2-3 with tottenham . knp mesti kalah ?! shit ouh .

movie night !

my dad ajak pegi tgk wayang semalam . yeah , like usuall bila dya bukak je bilik komputer the same person dpn komputer . HAHA ! then dya suroh i check schedule movie .
then check punya check he said he wanna watch HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS . suroh check time , dgr je harry potter
i have a big big sigh . serious i mmg ta mnat harry potter segala bgai tuh .
dh la bersiri siri ! urghh . i suggest dkt my dad skyline but he refused and stay with his decision .
then msok je pnggung . guess what . we got seat yg pling depan . sbb dh penuh . adoii !
mmg gyla sakit kepala la .
then i sleep along the movie begins , tgk part yg depan2 je . HAHA
terbaek la . dgn hidung tersumbat . sejuk mcm na gyla . dgn cerita tah hape2
haishhh .
kpd yg belom tgk and decide na tgk . think twice . sbb cerita dya meleret-leret , tgk part 2 je trus . better lagi kot . HAHA ! ney kalow david yates and j.k rowling tawu ney . konfirm kna saman . aku telah mnjatuhkn market dya . hehe :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

aidiladha 1431H :)

hari raya aidiladha yg ta berapa na gempak sgt
but best mkn lembu , yeah people ! i eat a lot of lembu soo tgh mngalami seksa sakit gigi .
grrr , liat betol daging dorunk neyyy .
haha .
second day of aidiladha my nenek bwat kenduri cket , utk sanak sedara trdekat .
lembu lagii . haha ! i smell like them dah neyy .
wanna take this opportunity to say HAPPY HARI RAYA AIDILADHA to all muslims around the world :))

*SORRY ! no special pic of aidiladha from me , sebok tgk org smbelih lembu . hehe :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

intro kali ney : TERBAEKKKKK ! haha

haha , pagi td mmg TERBAEK lah .
last skola kot , i got a very personal advice plusplus nagging from our headmistress !
the only reason is sbb i lmbt dtg skola . it was not just me okayy
a lot of people . this is bcoz kreta api tuh mmg slack na lalu time kita org tgh rushing
tak rsa mcm na maki ke ? haihh ,
jam tnpa roti la jwabnyerr .
dtgdtg skola , dpn gate ada je muka dya kt situ .
apa lagi join jela dorunk yg kena nagging ngan dya !
errr , smpai dorunk abes assembly kot . haha !
mmg TERBAEK lah pengetua ney . HAHA :D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

partayyyy !

14/11 ; our sweet and unforgetable moment ever after :)
hari ney kitaorg bwat jamuan akhir tawon , oleh krana memikirkan transport and savings
we decide bwat dekat padang skola seja
but sumpahh best na matii
gyla happening ckp kaw .
we start with kemas , and susun everything atas meja , and bwt aktiviti bebas smentara na tunggu nasik dtg .
then , looking foward with acara memotong cake smpena dgn hari jd our class teacher a.k.a our father . happy 41st birthday en.hashim !
then , mkn2 . yes , unexpected rmai gyla cegu yg dtg . pngetua skali :) huhu
then we go with our games ,
bucktiey explorace and byk lagi game .
game yg pling happening kotak beracun ah .
serius ngeri kot game tuh , game yg mmbasahkan smua bju2 pserta ! haha
after that kitaorg main baling2 belon berisi air and tepung . ouh God , dari comey bertukar jd gadis tepung dah , terbaek ahh bila my rmbot kena cream cake . haha . sumpahh gyla ouhh dorunk neyy
then , umy dgn sopannya dtg sapu cream cake dkt muka aku , aisehhh . mmg tunggu na msuk oven je ! naseb tade telur je . perghhh
mmg hari tuh hari yg sumanya terbusuk ah ! haha . tade yg terlepas :D
serius gempak kot , will not forget this moment

*pic nnti i upload , i didn't bring a camera soo waiting for them seja :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

cinta dlm hati

org kata kadang2 kita kena lepaskan org yg kita cinta utk org yg kita sygg
dan itulah yg aku lakukan ,
aku mmberikan org yg aku cnta utk org yg aku syg kerana aku tahu org yg aku cinta tidak mncintai aku , dan aku lakukan ini kerana aku terlalu mnyayangi org yg aku sygg .
tiada apa yg aku hrap dri melihat org yg aku syg tersenyum dismping org yg aku cinta .
ya , even it's quite hurt tpy aku tidak peduli asalkn org yg aku syg dan cinta itu bhagia .
tiada apa yg aku inginkan selain drpd Allah mengikhlaskan hati aku didlm pngorbanan ini .
semoga kalian menemukan kebahagiaan ,
mngkin ini kot yg diktakan oleh shahir ' kebahagiaan dlm perpisahan ' :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

i love his charity work !

i love the way he looks at the girl

awww , soooo sweettt :)

how lucky this gurl :D

ouhhh cutieeee

i wish i was that kid

God Bless you , Ryan ! Your such an amazing guy !
Look at how happy you made those kids !! :)
Keep doing what you do !
okay , u guys know wut , he establish ' RYAN SEACREST FOUNDATION ' just to help them .
awww , pretty sweet

i love what u hate :)

guess wut i have plan to do ?
yeah i will NOT talk about football for one week .
sorry guys i can do it only just for a couple of week , one month are too long , i can't survive it
believe that people . yeah start from todayy .
9/11/2010 - 10.32 :)
ouh i'm just trying to find another story to tell and absolutely it was not football anymore
haha .
it is all of sudden okay .
i know it was terribly boring when you have to read everything about football while you're not addict to it .
okayy . wish me luck , but people . i still kip watch the match :)
dun ask me to stop watching it . it will not work :)
ciao !

Sunday, November 7, 2010

i'm dreamingggg ?

for the first time kot arsenal dissapoint me dgn tumpas di tgn newcastle united semalam
ouh tidakkk , ! time aku tgk la korunk na kalah en ? haihh
bikin tension sejaaa .
haha , actually tatawu un dyorunk ader match semalam tetiba got msg from my frends soh bukak channel 812 arsenal lwan and it was LIVE . repeat , LIVE people ! ahaha
first time aku tgk live kn ? sbelom ney layan ulangan je :)
okayy , fabregas dissapoint me with no goal . errrr . huhu
what make me more upset is fabregas kna yellow card , duhhh !
shaitttt , ranking arsenal jatuh di nomber 3 ! * sighhhh

go nasri go !

see wut this capten trying to do , unfortunately it doesn't work

Saturday, November 6, 2010

current mood : RENDUUUUU !

i miss to watch football match
lamanyaa ta tgkkk .
no time okayyy , struggle exam dan sbgainyaaa
rendu villa sgtsgt . fabregas jugaaa .
direct bila aku ada time na tgk football match mesti bukan barca or arsenal yg lwan
dorunk mmg dengki ngan aku en ?
grrrr .
na layan pic ney jp , pengubat rendu tuuuu :))

macho nak mati DV aku neyyy


shaitttt !

it has been a few days jgk la tida mngupdate sumthing dkt belog ney kan ?
soo like usuall i miss this things and i also missed a lot of story .
eh eh , td kan bru lepas tgk konsert reunion af8 versi ulangan kt astro . aku mmg suka tgk yg ulangan neyy no time laa na tgk yg live neyy :) ta kesah la . jnji tgk even aku agak lmbt la dri yg laen ! :)
eh tetiba plak td jd rendu nak mati dkt kekasih lama si shahir zawawi tu
ouh tidak , u know wut . dya berduet dgn adira lagu bila cinta ost LBS .
dh la ada babak lakonan lak dlm tu .
sumpaaa jeles gyla time tuh . ahaha !
ader adegan mnyarung cincin and syg mnyayang plakk . hadddoiii
spoilt mood betol si adira tu . ahaha :D
sokay , pape jelaaa :D huhu
hey hey ,lupa na gtawu . aizat dlm tu nmpak kachak abess . dgn lagu pergi dyaaa . ouhhh . meltinggg :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

stuck with a tears

zero mood gyla td , tatawu npa
rsa cm na cry out loud je .
first time aku asa kecik atie gyla ngan dowunk .
tetiba aku jd sensitif and overtouching lak
tah la . i can't even understand myself
oke now i'm crying already bukan rasa2 dh . ahhhh ! knp ngan aku neyyyy .
oke back to normal ,
tetiba td tgk DV upload photo bru dkt fb , excited plak na tgk .
then ada plak pic neyy .
terus bwat aku senyum lebar . ahaha

cumeyy kn dua jejaka idaman aku ney ?

the only things who can make i wipe my tears and have a big smile

Monday, November 1, 2010

dun get me wrong !

dear my lovely friends . cuba ckp cket aku knal kaw bpa tawon ?
yes tade la lma sgt , dlm 4 tawon kot .
oke tpy aku dh mngenali diri kaw mcm lebih dri 4 tawon oke ,
aku sygg kaw gegila . dlu aku asa kita friends forever gyla lah
kesana sini owg akan ckp kita kembar
tpy serius sejak naek form 3 kaw dh mula berubah , yer mcm2 kaw berubah .
aku ta kesah kalow kaw na berubah mnjadi sesuatu yg lebih baik , tpy aku sgt kesah bila kaw berubah mnjadi sesuatu yg diluar norma masyarakat*kan dh msuk sivik ney
friends , aku bukan blame kaw . tpy just ingin nasehat , bukanka sahabat itu gunanya utk mmimpin kita bila kita terleka , utk kembalikn ke jln yg benar bila kita tersasar ?
dan itu yg aku cuba lakukan . yes , aku tade la sebaik mana . tpy at least aku cuba tegur bnda yg aku nmpak depan mta dan terang terangan salah
aku ta kta kaw 100% salah , yes zaman dh berubah perkara ney berlaku mngkin dri pngaruh kwan*hope bkn dri aku la
suma dh lintang pukang tpy kerana aku syg sahabat aku yg dlu , aku tanak kaw un turut lintang pukang , aku na kaw terus tetap mnjadi yg dlu even smuanya dh ta sperti dlu
serius aku ckp , andai aku mmpu utk kembalikan msa ,. aku na kita yg dlu .
yg gelak sesama , mkn sesama , and duin everything sesama
aku ingt lgy time suma mmber kita blame kita and tanak kwan kita . kaw selalu ada dgn aku . thanks utk detik itu kawan !
yes , bukan mudah utk berubah and perlukan msa . tpy at least cuba la belajar utk berubah sedikit demi sedikit . aku sgt yakin yg satu arie nnti kaw akan berjaya .
sahabat , ajal tidak mnunggu bila kita dh berubah . tpy akan dtg mngkin di kala kita maseh tersesat dan mngkin sedang tgh mncari jln pulang *tade niat na gerunkn mna2 pihak yer
kami ta hrapkn kaw berubah dgn sekelip mata . tpy at least show your effort friends :)
mungkin hari ney kaw mncemuh bila kitaorg cuba utk nasihat tpy satu arie nnti kaw akan tawu knp kmi lakukan ney . marilah sesama kita fixed diri kita supaya mnjdi yg lebih baek dri yg lepas and mngkin lebih baik dri sekarang :)

your friends ,
najiehamzlan :)