Friday, October 29, 2010

i can't waiting to blog .

stelah berhari hari aku cuba mnahan niat utk mem-blogging
but at last , it doesn't work
i'm in terribly missed to blogging
and byk bnda aku na cita ,
entah larat ke x jari ney na menaip .
so let's skip cerita yg ta pnting oke . looking foward for the latest story
which is . i hate when i got a feverr when i have to sit on final exam
sial kn ?
balik2 skola hari khamis tu , trus ta bermaya smacam je
batuk yg teruk , and sakit kepala yg teramat
ahh , serius waktu tuh mmg tadak apa yg aku pikir selain tido !
then , malam tu . planning to study . but i can't
sakit kepala gylagyla , smpai tido un maseh terasa sakit , dgn kaki kejang
arghh , memang gyla ah
hampir spuluh bulan jgk la aku ta demam ,
jgn kata maen ujan , panas terik or apa2 un takkan mnyebabkn aku demam
mmg anti body kuat la ckp youu
tpy time final exam jgk la dya na collapsed , dh la paper math ta lepas agy !
heyhey , excited na bgtaw ney !
arsenal vs newcastle they won 4-0 youuu :)) *keningkening

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

let's fight for right !

ney last post aku utk sminggu ney
will not gonna on9 , i want to focus on exam guys . *jap jap bole caya ke ?
ahaha .
so wanna take this opportunity to wish ;
a special good luck to all 4 bucktieysm batch 2010 smkcfb ;D
dan utk smua yg sit on exam jugaa .
do the best guys , i hope everything goes smoothly .
after about a 10 month we prepare a gun and bullet , so now this is the time for us to shoot and make a blast !
semoga kita dpt result yg gyla gyla gempak lahh
shout out loud ; HIDUP 4 BAKTI !

*smangat betol aku cm na amek SPM lak ! *

Monday, October 25, 2010

di ambang peperiksaan !

bru habes study perd , ouh boring nak mati !
so stop and decide na bngun pukol 4 na continue reading .
gylaa youuu , byk lagi yg aku belom bca .
aha , dh tawu byk lagi yg belom study smpat lagi aku posing maut dpn komputer smbil tekan keyboard dan menaip di belog sengal nak mati ney kn ?
ahaha . mncari ketenangan sbentar so i decided na on9 kejap and fresh my mind :)
it is the way i studyy , kalow rsa na ikot silakan .
tpy kalow korunk failed dun blame me oke .
hnya aku yg bole bwat bnda2 cmneyy .
huhu . TAKBUR gylaa youuu ,
okayy la . tidur time people !
gtg now . byebye (=
doakan aku berjaya bngun pukol 4 pagi and studyyy ,

*mngumpul kberanian utk bngun dikala para ahli rumah telah tidur . uhuks

the gunners !

just got a news from fabregas official FB says that they won in a match between arsenal and man city . 3-0 youuuu
huhu :D
rsa rajin plak na upload photo mreka , so let's see :)

sila lihat betapa kacak dan macho nya kapten THE GUNNERS neyy :) ahhh , sukaaaa !

Sunday, October 24, 2010

a big sigh on me !

tgh baek punya booking channel ASSP3 na tgk match ARESENAL VS MAN CITY
abah dtg dgn muka ala2 bengis ta bengis , suroh off tv and berkumpul suma siblings na discuss about family day
adoiii , a bit teruja la na discuss about that sbb aku mmg ta sbar na tnggu family day tpy cri la time
yg sesuai cket . missed suda match arsenal . *sigh
i'm stuck on family meeting for one hours !
serius lama kot , we discuss about family day
wat game to do and soo much more
serius i can't focus on it ,
fabregas on my mind , but kip focusing sbb aku la yg na kna catat sgala bgai .
then discuss pnya discuss . aku dpt tugasan yg a little heavy to do , na manage game segala bgai
dgn aturcara , follow up on FB and bla bla bla ..
exam daddy exam ! i'm doing all this thing after exam boleh kn ?
eh , ader ulangan tak match arsenal vs man city ? ahaks :)) opss EXAM
oke , i'm cancelled my intention to watch thier match :D

i love wut i like !

yay ! aku dh tawu schedule match EUFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE , ahaha
25 november arsenal pnya match , yipaa2 !
naseb exam habes 9 november bole la aku stay up tgk bola . hehe :))
oke , aku mmg takkan penah habes dn jemu bercerita pasai bola
mcm mna kaw ta pnh jemu bercerita sai bf kaw kt org sna sini . cam tu la jgk aku :)
sbb tu fav aku , entah knp aku jd minat and addict gyla dgn bola neyy ,
nak kta terer main tu takde ah sgt , takat bole sepak je , then na kta aku tawu sgt psai
rule bola sepak ney un tak sgt , takat bole kutuk2 player2 sengal , offside , outside and handball tuh ape la sgtt
tpy yg aku tawu aku mnat and sgt minat dgn bola
player dya mngkin :))
so , to followers plusplus readers and sooo on a bigbig sorry kalow korunk boring nak matii bca belog sengal and full of merepek meraban pasal bola :) layan jelaaa eh .
ahaks , cm ader je readers yg na jenguk belog gedik neyyy kan ? kan ?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

kenari disngka mmpu terbang tinggi rupa2nya terjatuh disepak sang kijang :)

huwaaa , sang kenari dah ptah sayap . dan telah jatuh dihadapn si kijang yg bermain curang dan penuh dgn kekasaran
mmg aku tension sial tgk match dorunk
dgn kelantan yg main cam naharam , dan kedah yg maen cm ta cukop tenaga batin ja un !
adoii , kna ubat guna2 ka apa neyyy ..
itu pasal la aku malas na tgk local punya perlawanan , kalow tak maen kasaq mmg tak sah
haihh , tpy tkpa skuad kenari hijau kuning yg ala2 brazil telah bermain dgn penuh berdedikasi dan sehabis daya upaya
mungkin kemenangan tak berpihak bwat mreka tawon ney .
papa un selamat pulang ke kedah dgn selamat wahai para pemain :)
HIJAU YELLOW tetap dihati

*bila next match arsenal hah ? rendu fabregas dh neyy :D ahaks smpat lagi tuu .

Friday, October 22, 2010

lovely-ness :D

having a sweet and lovely dinner with my beloved family :)
wehooo , we spending soo much time todayy ,.
dari pagi smpai mlm , hehe
how sweet it is !

the mazlan's :)

mista mazlan ! our headmaster :)

i'm wonder wut they are looking for ! huhu

location ; radix pizza house :))

Thursday, October 21, 2010

happy fridayyy !

pagi2 lagi dh kna kejut dgn mama , suroh bngun smayang suboh . adoii , agak potong stim ah sbb tgh mimpi baek punyaaa
tpy tkpa kewajipan ttp dilaksanakan .
then smbung tidoq balik berniat na smbung mimpi td ah , tpy ta berjaya
then , around pukol 8 sumthing mama dtg lagi kejutkn anak dya yg comeyy ney .
serius mama mmg jeles tgk aku tido . dya ajak pegi jogging .
dgr2 je jogging cm excited la plak , terus je lompat trun dari katil and bersiap
smpai2 je tmn jubli serius byk owg . GABAI la plakk .
then mama ajak jln je . jln la berdua duaan dgn mama :)
then lepas penat jln join adek aku maen bola .
best ouhh , hee :) skali skala mnguji bakat aku maen bola . ape slahnya . ehehe
time khusyuk main tu , ternmpak la plak mamat berjersi kedah bershort pants berjogging dgn mmber dya
aduhh , sumpaaa cute terokk !
sempat agy ah usha ,. lama kot aku usha smpai mmber sbelah dya un pasan . adoii
kantoii ! after that jln2 pusing tmn tu , then gi breakfast and pulang
itula schedule aku hari neyy :)
i mean pagi neyy , yer boring kn :) huhu

i miss them so i won't missed to watch them :)

yay ! ptg td tgk match bola sepak UEFA champions league versi ulangan di ASSP.
wuhuu , guess spa yg lawan . aha , real madrid vs malaga
4-1 youuu :) cayalaaaa .
rendu i dkt ozil , alonso , ronaldo , higuain and cassilas finally redeem :D
ouh sgt kacak ,
and after that tukar channel tgk barcelona beats FC copenhagen plakkk
tgk my lovely hubby lwan .
ouh my DV :D ahaks
mreka menang 2-o , goal by messi :) huhu
aha , DV ta mnyumbang goal la td . heeee :D

i'm addict to children ryte now !

para2 ibu sekalian alam dilarang mmpamerkn anak di anda di hadapan saya
especially yg berpipi seksi , gebu dan comeyyy cm saia . opss , heee :)
grrr , geram aku tgk anak mnakan merangkap sepupu menakan aku ney
sumpaaa comeyyy tahap gyla gaban . rendu lak kt dya . dpt tgk gmbar un jdi lahhh
huhu :D

sit on uncle umar's lap . DAMN cute :)

mummy and daddy :)

happy dya bergmbar dgn uncle man dya :)

aha , sweetkn dua beranak ney

Friday, October 15, 2010

final of examinations :)

the only word i HATE to hear is " FINAL EXAM ! "
no matter how hate it is , i'm still studyy !
yeah , i'm on my way of studying people :)
sejarah youuuuu ..
percaya tak ? *ckp percaya cpt !
berkobar kobar gylaa batak ! ahaks ,
mlm ney bercadang na study sesama dgn my lovely buddy
ahaha . yay ! study perd bersama tyrah .
don't get me wrong oke , dya study umah dya and aku kt umah aku laa .
study sma la tuh kn ? hehe :)
so i'm gonna stop here :D
c ya then .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

likeyyyyyy :)

arghh , i suka gambar di atas !
i mean the background , their way of editing , and org dlm gmbar tuh un i suka . ahaks
salute dgn kebolehan CANDIDSYNDROME .
sumpah , jeles ngan dowunk
i hope on fine day i will be like them :)

*for more views and muchmore nice wedding picture
search this

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

i admit i'm nothing without u !

ma ! get well soon
i wish u will get a strenght to still survive
mungkin ney dugaan yg kita harus tempuhi .
i believe stiap dugaan itu dtg utk mnguji hambanya supaya mnjadi lebih kuat dan tabah
and Allah takkan mnguji hamba dya melebihi kemampuan hambanya sndiri

i love u mom !
soo MUCH :))

your daughter ,

Monday, October 11, 2010

aduan rakyat ! aha ,

aisehh , geram betol aku dgn baby kuning ney , gigit jgk kunk

tension betol sejak dpt pngetua bru dri SMJK(C)SIN MIN ney
bukan aper au , strict siot
tawu ah utk kpntingan skola jgk tpy takyah ah na pulon smpai
stiap pagi tunggu dpn gate skola and tahan spa yg lmbt
tade keja dh kot
and yg pling aku anti tahap cipanzi ney bila waktu rehat jd sharp smacam je
20minit tokleh lebih
siot betol , dh la line up pnjng , na mkn agy . ingt tong smpah ke bole sumbat2 je !
and the most i don't like is
bila PK and cegu bertugas jga kntin tu .
mcm dlm pnjara i ckp youuu
sabar jela , one year to go ! after this gudbye CONVENT . ahahaha
bongkak gyla ayat !

Sunday, October 10, 2010

wedding heaven of space heroes :)

guys ! aku bru je lepas tgk 'persandingan kayangan' idola aku td .
sumpaaa , jeles dgn concept wedding dorunk , nice ouh
and the most i jeles is , my lovely idol dh pun mnjadi suami org
nvm , hopefully their marriage blessed and remains forever :)
this is why aku ta suka tgk bnda2 brkaitan khwin ney
kan dah berangan na khwin .
adoii , still young meyhhh =,=
so better delete wut i have watch just now before my imagination become worst . ahaks *mood gatai :)

aha , above words describe me well :D huhu

Thursday, October 7, 2010

bite :)

i wish my future child will be this cuteyyyy :) ahaha
wut a lucky parents are they having this supercute daughter like this .
ouh i her eyes :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i'm in doubt !

i'm wonder are they couple or having any special relationship ?
people ! view this pic and make a conclusion

opsss , one bed ? aha , normal for them :D

same shirt ? wuhuu , wat a lovely mates

the answer is NO ! fabregas and pique was hundredly straight :) ahaksss ,
yes ! i'm defending them :)

man's activity :)

Fabregas relaxes with Arsenal teammates at basketball match in London :)

guys ! fabregas looks damn cool here . ya , van persie too :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

let's rawk the hall babes !

special dedicated to ; ALL PMR'S CANDIDATE batch '10
hey ! i wish for best gud luck for you guys ,
do the veryvery best
especially convent's pmr candidate :)
enjoy your paper !