Friday, December 31, 2010

ginger bread hot tub ?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

it's time to changing my shape !

hari ney masok arie ketiga aku mula diet .
yes its true , and this year i got an instructor yg akan sntiasa pantau permakanan aku , jd trainer aku .
and merangkap tuan penasihat
and the lucky instructor is ...... my own brothers :)
xmaen la brother2 angkat
i choose him sbb dulu dya mmg quite big and dgn bhasa kasarnya gemok .
stelah he start diet and always pegi gym skunk bdan dh quite tough and kononnya na jd mcm GREG PLITT dya tuh . huhu
eh u know wut , bru 3 arie starting diet dh demam . mmg hampeh kot
demam rendu dkt nasik kot .
nak2 pulak byk jer godaan2 yg dtg .
lagi la hampehh . oleh krana azam i utk kurus sgt kuat so i tahan je nfsu mnggila tu :)
hek3 . so guys , wish me luck k :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Congrats Harimau Malaya

hey hello and hye .
tatawu knp kali ney aku jd malas gyla post about bola . nak2 pulak psal piala Suzuki AFF tu
bukan ta support Malaysia or apa . tpy kinda lazy .. huhu
but i still watch their match :)
but i'm still gonna say CONGRATULATIONS to them :)
Khairul Fahmi and Safee Sali did well semalam . so tahniah !
and congrats utk smua team jgk .
malas ah na cita how they give a goal or what , i bet u guys tgk la kn ?!
and i heard about PM bg cuti oleh sebab kemenangan Malaysia . cuti tuh jumaat kn ? so adakah Kedah akan turut cuti ahad ney ? i hope so .. hehe :)
and i also heard about Rio Ferdinand saying congrats to all Malaysian team . wahh i bngga skejap . huhu .. k la stop here , waiting 4 my next entry yah .

this is the prove . i stole this pic from FAFAU :) thx sista . huhu !

sometimes u must hiding your feeling :')

yes maybe this is the best way :)
so najieha , keep your mouth shut . and do not dare to tell your feeling towards him or else you will lose him

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear cousin , I really miss every single one of you

suddenly aku rendu detik2 family day , . we have a enjoyable time kt sna .
sgt rindu saat2 tu
time aku jd pnjaga check point yg a bit kejam bila suroh dorunk jln itik bgai . then tarek life card dorunk when they're just doing a simple mistake .
HAHA . kejam doe :)
then i miss lovely cuzie yg jauh dan dekat . yg dh lama ta jumpak .
dri poyo dh jd hensem na mati .
dri chubby dah kurus .
segalanya berubah
and i'm still the same . nothing change . but i have promise to myself . the next family day i will change . totally change !
dari segi apa tayah taw laa . wait and see jela eh :)
okay smbung2 . hehe . kitaorg lepas rendu by fb jer . contact dkt sna smua
so no need phone number or else . hehe :)
ala lagipun kalow ada phone number pun nak sgt ke korunk msg . nak2 pulak kazen laki kn ,
mmg simpan dlm phone book jela . na start msg malu . kn ? kn ?
kalow msg un , bila korunk dh betol2 terpksa . huhu , kalow tak jgn hrap . dua2 pakat malu2 kucen na start msg ataupun dua2 pakat sep kedit nak msg . yelaa ko celcome kazen ko maxis . spa na msg byk2 ? baik msg bf kau tercinta tuu .
wahh byk pulak aku berleter . hee
so kitaorg decide hnya contact di facebook . anything post kt wall , so tak hairan la fb aku pnoh dgn mak2 sedara , tokcik2 menakan dan juga cuzie terchenta ,.
hehe :D
anyway , i'm not the type of girl yg takot sgt nak add pak menakan , makcik2 , kazen and soo on .
yela stengah org takot kaum kerabat dya jd frends dlm fb . mna tak nya pic bf/gf penoh , kissing sna sini , so sepatutnya la takot tpy yg peliknya takot pulak kt kaum kerabat sbb takot dowunk gi cita kt parents dya sal prangai si anak ney . tpy kt Allah ta pulak dya takot ataupun malu . hurmm . dunia dh terbalekk . huhu

i hate goodbye !

Throughout the year of 2010, I’ve fallen for the most unexpected people. I’ve lied to the people that cared the most. I’ve lost friends who I thought I never would. I’ve trusted the wrong people. I’ve made mistakes only to make me stronger. I’ve learned so many things this year. I'm totally sad to say goodbye to 2010 because it is full of memory that i never want to lose :')

Monday, December 27, 2010

my family day was AWESOME :)

akhirnya aku kembali mmbelogging setelah mengambil MC selama 3 hari 2 malam oleh krana trpkasa mnghadiri family day . pembetulan bukan 'terpaksa' yer tuan2 dan puan2 tapi i mmg na pegi , excited gila banganggg .
dan pembetulan sekali lagi , yes aku mmg suka buat pembetulan kalow tak buku math aku ta penoh la dgn pmbtulan , kuikui :) okay smbung . pembetulan kerana family day ini bukan lah family day dimana sperti pejabat2 ayah korunk anjurkan , tpy family day ney khas family kita org , the big family . belah my dad , dimna moyang2 kitaorg yg anjurkan dan msih diteruskan smpai ke generasi sekarang , dan family day ni dah mncecah 13 tahun . every year kita akan buat family day . and the whole family akan berkumpul sekali , duduk 3 hari 2 malam and playing games , enjoy and everythingg .
btw , this year my family dilantik mnjadi pnganjur . and my bro selaku generasi ke-3 kna anjurkan . so apa lagi . kepala otak generasi ke3 mmg gempak na mati lahh en .
dgn pelbagai games yg terbaru kita org planning, this year oleh krana kepala otak abg2 aku ney semacam gyla . kitaorg buat game explorace yg mmg happening , then games fear factor dimna dorunk ada 3 station fear yg dorunk kna lalui .
first station pindahkan ikan haruan ke timba lain dgn kadar sgera , station kedua plak dorunk kna makan sandwich wasabe yg dibuat khas oleh aku :) *bngga skejap and last station , station yg ditakuti rmai iaitu . dorunk kna minum air yg dibuat khas oleh chef terkemuka dan ramuan2nya ialahhhhhh . jengjeng .. hati ayam , telur , dan pisang yg diksar halus . haha , dun worry kita org mseh waras dri segi mntal dan fizikal lagi , actually kitaorg tukar air tuh dgn yogurt . so dorunk maseh selamat ketika minum . hee :) tpy smpatlah aku tgk gelagat2 para penonton yg muka ala2 na muntah hijau time kita siapkan resepi air special tu . gyla lawak :D
lepas tuh katagori veteran dorunk kna kukoq nyioq mnggunakan pngukur tradisional . and lepas kukur kita maen boling buah nyioq plak . best2 :) lepas tu ade la aktiviti2 smpingan yg kitaorg buat , btw , dorunk mmg sporting habes :) best tgk dorunk happy jerr and tnya2 my bro " abg faiz abg faiz lepas ney game aper pulak ? " haha . suwit gylaa . HAHA , okay la aku rsa cukup2 la leteran aku yg pnjang lagi lebar ney .
mari kita godek godek pic2 yg smpat aku tngkp kt sna :)

explorace : bwak bola pingpong dgn sudu smbil di baling belon air :)

explorace : cabaran makan lemon

explorace : tuju bola tenis ke arah botol

explorace : pancing ikan

explorace ; isi air dlm botol ambil air dri kolam ini dan menaiki tngga

smpai ke sini :)) haha . jhat tak ? dera dorunk gyla bangangg .

explorace : presentation about 'who is in the picture?'

explorace : jum memancing :)

explorace ; dikerah berjalan itik utk ke cabaran seterusnyaa ! * nyiahaha , gelak jhat

hah , jgn na skip jalan itik ! tibai bontot kunk .

cabaran sterusnya . makan lemon smpai kenyang ! HAHA .

presentation from group blue :)

passing belon licin !

the next game . FEAR FACTOR ! pindah ikan haruan ke timba lain dlm msa 20 saat

satu satunya peserta ber kain pelekat ! TERBAEKK .

suddenly jer pic ney semak kt cney . layan jelaa :)

okay smbung balik . cabaran fear factor yg sterusnya . minum minuman special made by my brother faiz .

bertungkus lumus dya buat !

tarak2 .. minum smpai abes :)

sandwich wasabe ! nyum nyum ..

come on toksu . u can do it :)

next game . kukoq nyoq :)

1,2,3 mulaaa :)

bowling buah kelapa : pasangan anak dan ibu

bowling buah kelapa : psangan datuk dan cucu :)

bowling buah kelapa : psangan suami isteri .

and lastly family potrait !

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

busy terokk !

family day is just around the corner , dan aku smkin busy nmpaknyaa =.=
busy arrange game , present and soo much more .
until i dun have time for myself . grr !
thinking about school yg akan buka tak brapa lama lg buat aku geron sengsorunk .
school stuff apa un blom ready lagi .
tula bercuti ta hengat kan skunk da merana sengsorunk*how sad
i should have time for myself . should be , should be , and SHOULD BE !!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

holiday's story chapter 2 :P

welcome back guys :)
just come back from Langkawi . gyla penat . but still na update belog , rendu yaqmat .
disana mmg best .
kitaorg bertolak ke kuala kedah ptg , dlm kol 5 lepas balik kenduri . aku pun tatawu npa na pegi bercuti je kna pegi knuri dlu , grrr =.=
then , smpai kuala kedah . beli tiket then kissing2 mama and abah terus naek bot .
then , lepak2 lam bot smentara dya na jln . tgk org lalu lalang bwak beg sberat 5 guni beras tgh cri seat .
then 10 minit pastu driver bot mula start enjin and berlalu .
bukak lagu utk hilangkan kebosanan .
then , start reading sumthing sbb my mata tak ngntok lak .
then stop reading sbb dh mula pening . bot mula ter umbang-ambing ke kiri dan ke kanan
adek aku kt sbelah dh panik semacam jer , takot karam ! haha
actually aku un panik plus pening jgk buat relax . konon cool abes laa . tak cool eh ? okay laa *_*
then , cuba tido but ttp tak bole dgn keadaan bot yg terhuyung hayang sperti hindu mabuk yg cuba utk drive =.=
dgn mamat cina yg bising berkaroke umpama bot itu mereka yg punyaa*dgn nada cerita ahmad albab* . lagi bertmbh hangen akuu .
then sejam lebih bru smpai . dgn tidak sbarnya na turun , berebut rebut aku na lalu . HAHA :) pedulikan mreka yg usha panas dkt aku ,
then smpai sna smentara na tunggu kazen dtg fetch kitaorg decide singgah KFC dlu . isi perut yg dh merengek .
lepas tu balik ke rumah my kazen . mkn utk scond time and then tido .
esoknya shopping and jln2 pusing lngkawi pegi karock kejap . then balik !
second day kitaorg pegi mndi pntai , kt pntai pasir tengkorak ! no tengkorak kt sna k :)
then hppy2 mndi . bdn dh gatal2 , suma pakat na balik . na salin bju , toilet pulek ta bukak . bdn dh melekit na matiii . sbar jela ! then dorunk ajak gi mndi air terjun temurun .
apa lagi suma pkat meronta-ronta gaya kanak2 mintak coklat la na pegi .
smpai sna , mendaki punya daki , stelah pnt mndaki dan juga stelah kta sepakat dicapai suma berhenti mndi tnpa mneruskan pndakian . air sejuk na mati !
best gyla lahh . punya la rmai mat salleh dtg melihat keindahan Malaysia . cute miut lak tuu .
dgn selamba badak air nyaa kami pakat bersyampu and sbun kt situ rsanya ader org kta kt umah kami tade air tak ? HAHA
pedulikannn .
then siap2 salin bju , balik mkn :) hee .
esoknya shopping kt Haji Ismail Group*tmpt wajib bg penggila coklat sperti saya* beli coklat bagai . and then pegi tmpt wajib bg para ibu yg melancong ke Langkawi iaitu Idaman Suri . habes mmbeli belah kitaorg balik !
then esoknya dh na balik . beli tiket dan sperti biasa salam mkcek i and kazen kissing2 cket , then naek bot . and sperti biasa jugak lepak2 lam bot and tgk org lalu lalang bwak beg plastik Idaman Suri dan Hj Ismail Group ke hulu ke hilir apabila seat yg dicari tidak dijumpai smbil2 dgr ringtones tangisan anak yg kehausan susu dumex dan enfagrow , *terer je aku bab susu ney
sbar jelaa . coming soon aku juga akan ada anak . ngeh3 :) spa la agaknya ayah dyaa ? *kejip kejip mata
sudah sudah , hentikan anganan palsu .
then smpai Kuala Perlis , ader org fetch dan terus balik ke rumah ku syurga ku . *syurga dunia yer kanak2 :P
itula serba sedikit eh , serba sebanyakk rutin aku kt Langkawi :)

p/s ; sad to say , no specific picture for this entry . SORRY

Friday, December 17, 2010

ouh si tgn bangku !

bru abes wrapping hadiah2 utk family day .
actually byk lagi present yg belom dibalut . but take a rest sbentar ,
pnt kot . dh la burok na mati aku wrap ! tade seni betol =.=
sbar2 . esok dh na pegi bercuti . so gudbye Sg Petani
dun miss me :) heee
and welcome Langkawi :P
okay la , stop here . na smbung tingkat kan kesenian dlm mmbalot hadiah :)
na uji sma ada tgn korunk bangku mcm aku atau tidak . sila lah ke rumah sy , byk lagi stok hadiah utk dibalut . hee !

Thursday, December 16, 2010

question answer :)

1. Name one person who made you angry last night?
my dad .

2. What were you doing at 08.00 am?
still on bed , it's too early na bngun un . heee :)

3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?

4. What happened to you in 2006?
standard 6, i admire with someone. kantoii!

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?

6. How many beverages did you have today?
one kot .

7. What color is your hairbrush?
blue and black .

8.What was the last thing you paid for?

9. Where were you last night?
home sweet home!

10. What color is your front door?
dark brown =)

11. Where do you keep your change?
wherever i want to. merata-rata! :P

12. What's the weather like today?

13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
chocolate always the best !

14. What excites you?

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
nope , bru potong . wanna let it be !

16. Are you over the age of 25?
Muke saye nampak macam 25 ke? :O

17. Do you talk a lot?
sumtimes .

18. are you admire someone right now?
yess !

19. Do you know anyone named David?
david villa :D

20. Do you make up your own words?
Tak pasti. maybe!

21. Are you a jealous person?
absolutly not ! don't know why..haha

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
afini .

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'F'.

24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
unknown number

25. What does the last text message you received say?
cannot! privacy!

26. Do you chew on your straw?

27. Do you have curly hair?

28. Where's the next place you're going to?
langkawi ,

29. Who's the rudest person in your life?
i dunno. maybe u! haha

30. What was the last thing you ate?

31. Will you get married in the future?
Mesti la!

32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
harry potter and and the deathly hallows.

33. Is there anyone you like right now?
yeye! aderrrr..

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
pagi td.

35. Are you currently depressed?

36. Did you cry today?
yap , the current novel i read was totally sad .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

holiday punya storyy !

hey guys ,
it has been a few days i tidak mencarut kat cney kn ? err i mean mencoret :) heee
it is because of my holiday , so no time for blogging .
mari kita smbung mencoret lagi , rendu gyla ney .
people , how your holiday ? my holiday was awesome ! i have a superb , happening , gempak , terbaekk and great holidayy with my beloved familyy ..
kita org bertolak dri kedah dlm kol 2 sumthing after balik kenduri kwan my mom .
then smpai kl mlm . dlm kol 8 . mnginap kl sehari , esok tu terus bertolak ke melaka . pergi MITC tgk pameran kt sna . at the same time my bro got exhibition kt sna
then , jln melaka kejap , balik hotel . lepak2 bilik .
ptg tu , siap2 ke MITC pulak , jln2 kt sna lagi . smbil cuci mata tgk jejaka kacak . huahua
jumpak ikhwan and kieran . ta tegor un . hee :) buat mcm ta knal dorunk ! yay , berjayaaa . walaupun dlam hati meronta ronta na bergmbar ngan dowunk . heee
then , dh mlm balik hotel ! beraduuu :)
esok nya pusing2 melaka . pegi naek river cruise , then my bro ajak msuk ruma antu .
gyla excited na msuk , penat aku mnjerit kat dlm tuu . ye ah hantu2 ney main sentuh2 plak , pgg kaki bagai . abg aku kt sebelah tanak plak dya kacau . =.= muka tensionn .
then , jln2 smpai bosan and penat .
esoknya balik kl balik ,stay sna 2,3 arie . then pulang ke tanah air . i mean KEDAH :)
ouh i rendu nak matii dkt sg petani .
sabtu ney na ke langkawi plak , spa mau ikot ???

grr , sakan aku travel !

p/s ; pic akan mnyusul kemudiann , gyla malas na upload !

Thursday, December 9, 2010

the next day of bebelan :)

hye people !
mari kita smbung mmbebel .
ini akibat ke-hampeh-an my sis , pegi tgk narnia snyap2 .
grrrr , gyla terok .
balik2 posting dkt fb full of prince caspian pic .
lagi hangen aku , dating ngan caspian aku without my permission neh . HEHE
okay la , suma aku nak en ? fabregas nanak , DV pun i nak , ryan juga i nak , and now ben barnes pun i nak
hehe . so mari rmai2 mnjerit ' ouh si tamak , u should realize u are not the only girl in the world ' kahkah , amek kaww =.=
so i jgk planning na jumpak caspian . yay ! mari mmbalas dendam .
prince caspian ! wait for your princess *err , terlebih sudaaa .

aww , i nak dagu dyaaaaa

spain's jerseyyy ? ouh i love it !

melt of his smile

staring at me ?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

bebelan di hari khamis !

yay ! mari berjiwang lagii , suka pulak aku jiwang jiwang plus layan prasaan yg tgh ta mnentu ney .
so my current music is andai itu takdirmu by syah basree . na jiwang jugekk ? sila lah ke youtube berhampiran , errr *_* heee ,
ini akibat cuti sekola tidak diisi sebaek mungkin dgn percutian percutian yg mnyeronokkan , sbb tu la i jd cmney ! sokay sokay , sbtu ney na fly pergi melaka . i mean ta fly un , naek kereta . so drive pergi melaka .
yay ! i miss kota bersejarah itu sgtsgt , bersama asam pedas melaka jugaaa .
melaka ! here i come babeh :))
after balik dri melaka planning na fly pergi overseas but tatawu jd or tak .
actually itupun tidak fly yer kanak2 sbb kita pegi naek bot . so kita pnggil apa yer ? ermm . apa2 jelaaa . anyway , i tade la pergi smpai paris , sydney or what .
hnya langkawi la sygg .
no budget meyh
so u guys , how's ur hollydayy ? hopefully going fine :)
kemana juga korunk pergi , dun forget the 'ole-ole' for me :) yes , i tatawu malu ! hee
okay laa , enough of my merepek meraban for today .
esok i merepek lagi k :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

welcome back Mr.Seacrest :)

After six days of being completely silent on Twitter and Facebook in an effort to raise money to fight HIV/AIDS around the world, the 18 participating celebrities including Ryan have finally regained their digital lives ,
yay ! they have complete their mission , congrats guys .
aku tawu pun sbb tetiba je tgk ryan punya fb dh start posting about his activity and dh tukaq profile pic yg sbelom ney gmbar dya dlm coffin .*scared ouh
finally , i'm happyyyyyyyy :))

Monday, December 6, 2010

i'm melt !

bru lepas tgk The Bachelor season 12 . *ya , i'm late i think ,
ouh God , serius hero dya hensem na matiii .
i can't stop smiling along the story begins .
gyla kot , i wish i was the girl that he kiss *nahh , kan dh tahap gyla tuuu
he was sooo polite , his smile make any woman melt , i'm shaking when i see his face even just on tv
ouh NO ! i'm falling for him , really do .
dah la taste aku ney mat salleh cket ,
smpai my mom un ckp pasney dya dpt mnantu mat salleh laa .

ouh No , i'm in teribbly sad

matt grant :)

*go and google yourself about matt grant , he was teribbly good looking !

Sunday, December 5, 2010

jiwang night

tgh layan lagu jiwang na matiii . lagu kau ada dia by the lima .
serius it's suit me well
entah tetiba rsa na berjiwang pulakk
and na tngkap leleh but ta jd ye la smbil on fb org nu IM org ney IM
haha , bru na meleleh dh ader je yg sentap . mwahaha :')
malam ney lah berjiwangan , crying puas2 , lama dh ta nanges .
rendu pulak kat airmata neyy , heee
ouh God , mna pulak aku letak fon neyy . merata-rata jer dya merayap .
gyla mlas na charge , spa2 jer yg text soryy if no reply . gyla mlas kot na msg2 neyy
huhu , so tgh dlm misi mencari fon i yg dh di katagorikan kna culik neyy .
mna laa dya pegi , calling pulak no answer , dh ter-off la tuh
dear fabrella , pulangglaaaa !
i miss u ouh ,

info ; fabrella stand for fabregas and david villa . my phone's name *winkwink

Saturday, December 4, 2010

stomach-acheeeee !

i can't go far from toilet !
saket peruttttt cm na gyla
kejap2 msuk jamban ,
dh jd pelawat jamban yg setia dh neyy ,
ini gara2 attend kenuri byk sgt la ney , smpai perut aku meragam
sumbat mcm2 sgt ! haihhh .
tuh pun my mom dok ajak pegi kenuri my dad's frend lagi ,
but i refused to go , kalow tak mmg aku la yg conquer jamban pasney . theee :)
no more kenduri kawen ! SERIK =.=

keep asking but no answering !

if i could be..

bila aku na cantek haa ?
jd cm org laen
normal je
pakai apa un cntek
bwat apa un nmpk cntek even ketawa terbahak2 , sendawa kekuat and a lot of disgusting things .
without make up un cantek
tergegeh un cantek
yela owg kta kalow dh cntek ney bwat apa un ttp cntek . jd burok un cntek *uishh , byknya perkataan 'cntek'
HAHA , org la kta .
bila bila bila la agaknya eh ?
ishhh , nyampah sial !
hari2 aku tnya soklan tu , but no answer
okay la , now na sedapkn atie yg gundah gulana
aku terima apa yg ada kt aku
ye ah at least aku cukop tangan , jari and mata
at least aku ada family yg bhagia , and always support aku *yeke ? hehe
at least aku happy dgn hidup aku *happy ke ?
aishhh , pape jelaa . ada hikmah suma neyyy :)
positif thinkinggg * smileeee