Saturday, April 7, 2012

my dear backbone, please be nice to me :')

Lately, aku kerap sgt sakit tulang belakang. yeahh, ayat cliche yg selalu aku dgq 'muda2 dh sakit belakang' that's wht my mom used to say to me when i told her about this pain. last2 dh malas dh ngadu. diam kan jela. but itulah, lagi lama berdiam diri lagi parah la sakit ni. duduk pun dh takleh lelama. and sumtimes i can't even stand too long. kena baringg je. larat hidup aku na dihabiskan dgn hanya berbaring. this maybe effect from jatuh 2 years ago. and mybe kegagahan aku selama ni mengangkat bnda2 berat. and now, nk angkat bnda berat sikit pun dh tak berani. paralysed aku nnti. but td my mom ckp suruh check. and i was like alhamdulillah ada jugak org syg aku kn. kalau tak before this my brother je yg nmpak susah hati when i told him about this. dia awal2 lg dh suruh ajak my mom pegi check. tapi tadi my mom suruh pegi dgn umy. ajak dia teman pegi x-ray. yeahh, sumtimes i have to understand their situation. busy agaknyaa. so redha jela. and this is my first step utk berdikari. and guys, please pray for me. moga2 takdak apa yg teruk jd kat my backbone. aminn! thanks for your pray anyway ;) btw, i'm not telling this to get an attention or sympathy. i'm just write wht i feel and telling this just for fun.